Hálfrennd peysa Iconic Vestri

kr. 6.743 kr. 7.493-25% AFSL

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Verð á vöru:kr. 6.743
8624-901-vestri Flokkur:

Your style, your responsibility: the Iconic Ziptop

Get ready for a style that not only looks good, but also does good – with our Iconic Ziptop. Modern design meets sustainability, as at least 50% of the materials are made from recycled polyester. The cosy body with a soft fleece inside is not only comfortable to wear, but also makes a statement for environmentally friendly fashion. The sleeves are made from a highly elasticated polyester/elastane blend for maximum freedom of movement. Thanks to the Keep Dry function, microfine fibres transport moisture directly to the surface of the fabric. This keeps your body feeling comfortable during sport. Get the Iconic zip top now in the JAKO online shop.

  • Sleeve made of highly elastic poylester elastane mix
  • Jacquard insert
  • Body with soft fleece inside
  • Polyester stretch fleece
  • Sleeve material: 90 % polyester (recycled), 10 % elastane
  • 100 % polyester (recycled)


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    Vafrakökur eru nauðsynlegar til að vefsetrið starfi eðlilega.



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